Rockets, Famous Mice & Atlantic Farewell

Nokomis to Orlando FL 2.24.16 051

Nokomis to Orlando FL 2.24.16 053
Waiting our turn, the excitement inside our coach was deafening.

Disney World had not been on our radar. Our journey around the country was more about US History, State and National parks and just being in nature. When grandparents decided to give our family a day at Disney World for Christmas our mantra was challenged. Of course the grandparents won and we had the best day ever. Or as our eight year old best put it, “You know, Disney World isn’t just for fun, its about making memories that last forever”.

Fort Wilderness campground offers a first class camping experience. The sites are private. and well spaced. They have a massive pool with a water slide and show Disney movies around a campfire complete with smores and hot chocolate. It’s easy to see why people make this a destination.

We settled in our campsite in the high rent district and hit the pool.

The most expensive campsite of our trip. Memories, priceless!

Evidently we had arrived at the high rent district as all the surrounding coaches were… uh, high end.

The campground was full of wild life and I’m not referring to just our kids.

Bambi, is that you?

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So lucky, blessed, thankful and grateful.

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The next morning promised a full day in the park and we couldn’t wait.

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Banded together and ready for the Magic Kingdom.


Transportation to the Magic Kingdom from the campground via boat. Under the threat of rain, it held off and the weather was perfect.

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Yep, there are gators in the water.
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We were as excited as the kids.
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Kyra politely letting the little girl know she is in our picture. The little girl politely ignoring her thinking the same thing.

We made it.


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Fly, be free. Big boy ride.


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Gavin & Kyra second row.
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Gavin pointing out the obvious.
It’s all world!


Nokomis to Orlando FL 2.24.16 144The Haunted House looking so inviting.

IMG_1665Pushing thirteen hours of the happiest place on earth we stopped in the middle of the parade route to get one last shot.

As parents Disney World is kind of like Las Vegas, twenty four hours fulfills us for a very log time. The kids on the other hand would actually like to live there.

Zig zagging across Florida we were on our way to see an old friend from California but not before a a few stops along the way. Cocoa Beach and nearby Cape Canaveral were on the itinerary. Cocoa Beach to hopefully catch some surf and see where the greatest competitive surfer of all time, Kelly Slater grew up and  Cape Canaveral to view the Space X Falcon 9 rocket launch.

The drive towards Cape Canaveral was plagued with high winds making it one of the most challenging travel days to date. There were several accidents including a car that had driven off the side of the road into a swamp. Uh, no thanks since we know what lives in there.

Arriving at our campground we once again scored the last available spot.

Cape Canaveral, Ft Pierce, Destin 2.29.16 001
Perception; best spot in the park, private and on the end.
Cape Canaveral, Ft Pierce, Destin 2.29.16 002
Reality; located next to the only dumpster and bathrooms with loud slamming doors.

After school work we headed into Cocoa Beach, Hometown of surf Champion Kelly Slater.

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Our favorite graffiti of the trip so far.

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Parker showing the champ no respect. Kyra asked, “is he really that big?”
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The Champs home turf.

Even though the conditions were near perfect there was not enough swell to get me excited enough to paddle out.

We headed to Cape Canaveral to witness the rocket launch. With a little internet research we found the optimal viewing spot at the harbor entrance where all of the cruise ships go by. We got there early and staked our claim at the end of the fishing pier.

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The Disney cruise ship went by leaving us nostalgic.

We came across local wildlife on the way to our viewing spot.

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Can you spot both kitties?
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Turkey vultures are abundant.
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Wait a second…your not a kitty.

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Cape Canaveral, Ft Pierce, Destin 2.29.16 041
Pre launch excitment

Despite our best efforts in getting there to watch the launch of the Space X Falcon 9 rocket the launch was scrubbed with forty seconds until lift off.  We were stoked we put ourselves in the position to see it, but disappointed it didn’t launch. When news of the scrubbed launch got out the crowds dispersed quickly.

Next morning we headed south to Fort Pierce to see an old friend from California. Fort Pierce is located on Florida’s east coast and is known as the Sunrise City, sister city to San Francisco, the Sunset City. She and her son had moved here several years ago and we had lost touch for a while. We were so glad to reconnect and spend a wonderfully long weekend together. Fort Pierce would not have been on our itinerary otherwise and we were so thankful we visited this part of Florida.

Cape Canaveral, Ft Pierce, Destin 2.29.16 057
One of our top ten campsites located on a quiet culdesac with only two other houses.

Cape Canaveral, Ft Pierce, Destin 2.29.16 051

Our gracious host spoiled us rotten. We definitely could get used to this spot in the world.

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Cape Canaveral, Ft Pierce, Destin 2.29.16 073
Edison displaying his walking fingers, yo. Awfully intimidating for an eleven year old.

The neighborhood is chalked full of unique homes all of which have a matching boat.

Cape Canaveral, Ft Pierce, Destin 2.29.16 064

I may have found fisherman’s heaven. The backyard offers over eight species of deliciously edible fish. If that’s not enough, the Atlantic ocean is a twelve minute boat ride away. Nearby friends opened their home for cocktail hour on our way to dinner.

Cape Canaveral, Ft Pierce, Destin 2.29.16 072

Cape Canaveral, Ft Pierce, Destin 2.29.16 069

Cape Canaveral, Ft Pierce, Destin 2.29.16 068

Our dinner crew grew with each stop.

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Biking to dinner is always the best. Doing it with great company is even better.

Cape Canaveral, Ft Pierce, Destin 2.29.16 083
A befitting dinner spot for our motley crew.

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Cape Canaveral, Ft Pierce, Destin 2.29.16 097
In short order we took the spot over and entertained the crowd.

So lucky to have been able to reunite with our old friends and spend so much quality time together. We said our goodbyes late that night and headed out early the next morning for a nearly five hundred fifty mile drive to our final Florida destination. Farewell Atlantic coast.




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